Saturday, November 12, 2011


The newest addition to the ranch.

Isn't she cute?


solarity said...

Oh, she's darling! In the closeup, her head marking is just beautiful. Let's hope she's also tough, arriving at the beginning of winter.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Leah J. Utas said...

She's beautiful. Congratulations on the new baby cow.

messymimi said...

Yes, she is!

Reb said...

What a little darling!

Hilary said...

Oh she sure is. Was she born Friday.. the day of 11s? Eleven would be a good name for her if she was. ;)

Redbush said...

She is so sweet. I love her white doll face.

JavaChick said...


Anonymous said...


the Bag Lady said...

Thanks, everyone! She had her first taste of snow today, darn it.

Cheryl Kohan said...

What a pretty picture! That baby is as cute as a bug's ear.