Monday, December 20, 2010

Hoover Deer (edited)

The Bag Lady is having a terrible time getting into the spirit of Christmas this year! She hasn't put up a tree yet, and has only had the odd twinge of desire to do so. It seems like a lot of bother. Grinchy Baggie.

She did try to take some pictures of her outdoor Christmas lights, but they are blurry and out of focus. Sigh. These are the only ones that aren't too bad, but they aren't very good, either....

She was in her kitchen last night and something moved outside her kitchen window. It startled her, because she knew her dog and cats were all sleeping in the living room. She looked out the window and saw a deer eating birdseed off her deck! The woodpeckers that frequent her bird feeder occasionally go a little berserk and fling birdseed out of the feeder like they paid for it themselves are trying to find the only good one in the bunch! The deer was doing the Bag Lady a favour by cleaning up the mess the woodpecker made. She was hoovering up those sunflower seeds like she was starving.
(edited to add some really poor photos)

This was taken last night.....

She came back this morning with her young'un:

"If I could figure out how to reach that........"

"Uh oh..... busted!"

"I can see you..... can you see us?"


Reb said...

I like the reflections in the top photo. Do we need to send the Christmas Spirits after you?
He was right on the deck? Amazing what they will do, too bad you didn't get a shot of that.

Karen (formerly kcinnova) said...

Deer on deck! Deer on deck!
(I've had 2 cups of coffee so far)
He must have liked your Christmas lights and was looking for the tree. ;)

I've felt that way before. Go minimal, but do it soon!

Leah J. Utas said...

Thanks for the pics. At least you're doing something Christmas-y.

the Bag Lady said...

Reb - oops - I didn't word that correctly! He was standing in the flowerbed, eating off the deck! Sorry for the confusion!

kcinnova - I probably will do some decorating this week. Really.

Leah - yes, the lights do help get me in the mood for Christmas.

messymimi said...

Standing in the flowers and eating off the deck is still very close, he must have been very hungry indeed.

If you decide not to do a tree, how about a nice table centerpiece? A mini tree or similar. Lots of fun, and less work.

the Bag Lady said...

messymimi - yes, that would be a good idea! (must get my creative juices working....)

Leah J. Utas said...

Always good to see the deer up close.

Reb said...

Probably a good thing he wasn't up on the deck, he would have figured out how to get seed right from the feeder. Good photos.

Redbush said...

Oh dear! They look like they're posing. How cute! I'm with you on the Christmas spirit idea! I just can't get into it either.

Levi said...

Why don't you feed them something better? give them some apples or something. How about some prized plants?

Hilary said...

Awww lucky you to have such lovely visitors and such considerate guests to clean up after the birds like that.

solarity said...

I like the way the reflections on the porch roof make ripples like upside down water.

The birds are just expressing the Christmas spirit, sharing with the deer.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

June said...

Ohhhh, sweet!
Look how fuzzy the deeries are!

Your lights aren't really fuzzy are they? :-)

the Bag Lady said...

June - the lights are fuzzy from the snow and frost covering them!

Cheryl Kohan said...

Those are GREAT pictures! I love that the deer was comfortable enough to climb up onto the deck! Isn't wildlife amazing? You have a gorgeous porch, by the way, and your lights are very pretty.