Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Calf Update

Hayseus is doing very well. He spent a couple nights in the barn as a precaution, but is now outside in the fresh air.


Anonymous said...

Giggling over Hayseus spending a few nights in a barn...
Apparently I become slightly sacrilegious when short on sleep!

solarity said...

I'm glad he's doing well.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

the Bag Lady said...

kcinnova - of course Hayseus had to spend time in the barn... even, in a technical sense, the manger.

Mary Anne in Kentucky - thanks.

Leah J. Utas said...

Go Hayseus!

David Cranmer said...

Ah, that is good to hear.

messymimi said...

Thanks for the update. He is certainly special.

Reb said...

He looks all dry now and is very pretty. Glad to hear he is doing well.

Hilary said...

Snorting over the Hayseus barn reference. Too funny. So sweet he is.. and glad to hear he's doing well. How are Moory and Joseph the Cowpenter doing?

Redbush said...

What a cute little fellow! I feel a burrrrrr coming on! He will definitely be hardy. I hope all your other heifers don't decide to follow in the same tracks and start producing this early! Congratulations to Hayseus and mummy!

carla said...

the photo and the name :)

Anonymous said...


Amy Mullis said...

Hayseus! Perfect. Congratulations on your fuzzy Christmas angel!

the Bag Lady said...

Thanks, everyone! It's been so bloody cold here these past couple of days, I've been busy keeping things going around the ranch!
Thanks for all your comments.

Cheryl Kohan said...

Oh good. He looks like he's healthy as can be. Love his name. (I'm chuckling over Hilary's comment...Moory and Joseph the Cowpenter!!!!)

Marste said...

Yay! I'm glad he kept all his extremities . . and am also laughing over Hilary's comment!