The Bag Lady has been in a funk lately. She isn't sure why, but suspects it has something to do with all the deaths she has had to deal with lately.
The funeral for her friend was held this week and, except for those of her own parents, was one of the saddest she has ever attended. This friend was 39 years old, and he was killed in a motorcycle accident last week. He left two children (who were in his custody after his wife left him) and it was heart-breaking to hear the little girl sobbing (wailing, at times) throughout the funeral. Such a senseless tragedy.
Another senseless tragedy is what is happening on the Gulf coast of the US. Why can't they do something to contain that oil and stop the death of all that marine life? For cryin' out loud, why aren't the oil companies forced to have a contingency plan
that actually works in place
before they are allowed to drill in the ocean? The Bag Lady can't bear to look at the pictures of all those oil-soaked birds and animals. It makes her want to dunk a few oil executives in the gunk.
(Perhaps we could have a gunk-dunking.....)
Between that, the war in Afghanistan, the threat of war in Korea, natural disasters and the other cruelties to humans that are broadcast on the nightly news, she has started to despair about the state of this poor planet. Maybe she needs to stop watching the news.
She is going to spend some serious time in her garden this weekend, attacking weeds with her trusty (albeit slightly rusty) hoe. The Princess loves to help the Bag Lady weed the garden. The Bag Lady pulls the weeds, then has to throw them to the edge of the garden so the Princess can catch them and chew them, ensuring they are actually dead. (Sheesh, even the Bag Lady and the Princess are committing murder!) At least it makes the Bag Lady smile to watch the Princess crouched in anticipation at the edge of the garden, awaiting the next bunch of weeds flying in her direction! She takes especially good clumps of weeds out onto the lawn to give them a good chewing before coming back, panting and smiling happily, dirt-covered tongue hanging out, ready for the next bunch to fly her way.
(The "she" referred to in the previous sentence is the Princess, in case that wasn't clear. The Bag Lady is terrible at catching weed clumps in her mouth. Just wanted to make that understood.)Life ain't always beautiful, but to a dog, it's definitely simple.