Thanks to the Bag Lady's sister, Reb, for sending the Bag Lady to a website that will identify bugs for people. There were several photos from various parts of the country, asking for an identification of this huge bug.
The Rancher released the bug back into the wild this morning, and the Bag Lady is hoping he has flown back to the pond/swamp/slough from whence he came (with many stories to tell his companions about his night in captivity), and that he isn't hanging around her flowerbed, waiting to chomp on her toes!
He will have a tale to tell.
I don't know what he is, but I know if I came across him in the wild he'd better be waterproof, because first I'd wet myself and then I'd wet him!
OMG - I don't like bugs, I don't like bugs, I don't like bugs and that one is freaky!
Glad the site was helpful. He certainly will have a tale to tell.
Still yucky.
dfLeah - he certainly will!
Amy - I didn't know what he was, either, except that he was the biggest bug I'd ever seen 'round these parts!
Aleta - I don't, either, I don't, either, I don't, either!
Reb - It was helpful, thanks! It didn't take long to find him.
Georgie - I know! Now I'm afraid to go into the flowerbed. Silly, eh?
Egads! Hopefully he'll stay away. I'm not much of a bugs person :) Too bad we can't have cute geckos in Canada to eat all the bugs for us.
you should have made a leash for him, a cart smart bag & brought him to town with you when you did yer shopping!
he looks big enough to do all the heavy lifting....
Love MizFit's suggestion!
Might as well put the little bugger to good use.
Sagan - it was actually a Manitoba website where I found the information..... you'll have to keep an eye out when you get home! :)
Miz - why didn't I think of that? :)
Crabby - I know - Miz is so smart!
It looks a little too much like a palmetto bug for my taste. I can handle just about anything but those!
Ooh BG - now I have to google palmetto bugs.
I don't like any bugs, especially the ones that are bigger than my hands! *shudder*
If I came across a bug taht big I don't hink I'd be able to pick it up...too much flailing and squeaking on my end. Not a bug person. Nosirree :)
I'm glad you found out what it was...
Geo - we didn't actually pick it up - just encouraged it to crawl into the container!
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